دكتور نعوم ليفشيتز معهد الرياضيات for winning the Nasyaho prize for the outstanding doctoral thesis of the Israel Mathematical Association
بِرُوفِيسُورَ شلومه مغداسي كيمياء Congratulations to Prof. Shlomo Magdassi of the Institute of Chemistry on winning the Johann Gutenberg Prize for 2022!
دكتور يونيت هوخبيرغ فيزياء Won a commendation as part of the Naamat Century Award for Breakthrough Scientists.
بِرُوفِيسُورَ إيتامار ويلنر كيمياءAcademicinfluence.com magazine ranked Prof. Itamar Wilne in the 12th place in the list of the most influential chemists in the world.