بِرُوفِيسُورَ ليوز إتجار كيمياء As one of the three Israeli candidates who moved to the international judging stage in the Frontiers Planet Prize.
بِرُوفِيسُورَ دانيال المعجزات في معهد علوم الحياةfor winning the fund to establish the Minerva Center for the study of creating new connections through fragmentation
دكتور تمار شتاين كيمياء for winning the fund to establish the Minerva Center for the study of creating new connections through fragmentation
بِرُوفِيسُورَ جاي فاينبيرغ فيزياء Physics World magazine announced the top 10 breakthroughs for the year 2023
دكتور موران فرنكل بينتر كيمياء for her selection to establish the Minerva Center, which includes seven members, five from Israel and two from Germany. Dr. Moran will be VICE DIRECTOR